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The Color of Happiness

My gifter got really creative and sent me the tools I need to make my own colors! At first I was a little confused, until I actually opened the butterfly habitat and it popped open. Then it clicked! I have butterfly garden seeds and a habitat... aha! I get to GROW MY OWN COLORS.

What's great about this is that I actually began raising my own hawkmoths during the pandemic (see pictures!) and so this habitat will be put to very good use. Thanks, gifter!

(PS: I know that moths aren't very colorful... but my favorite color, green, happens to be the color of the hawk moth caterpillar. The caterpillars are quite colorful!)

(Edit: In addition to the butterfly habitat and the wildflower seeds, I got a book on taxidermy and some forceps. Very nice little bonus, and much appreciated!)

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Colours Day!

