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Level 3


Hello! I'm very happy we have made a match. Reddit gifts brings me great joy. I live in Seattle with my wife, dog (15lb Chiweenie) and two cats (both orange tabbies). During the summer, I love getting outdoors. But the winters in Seattle are often cold, rainy, and very short days. In the winter, I'm always looking for new things to do inside, since I'm not very good at sitting still. I'm a computer scientist and have never been very good at art, but in my first gift exchange I was given stuff for rubber stamp making and became obsessed with it. I picked up resin casting on Reddit and have made dice for all my D&D group. D&D has been a hobby I picked up during the pandemic lock down, I play with friends all over the country every week. I'm always looking for new source material. I love all board games, especially complicated ones with lots of rules. However, those kinds of games turn off my wife (who is my best friend), so I'm always looking for games with more simple rules we will both enjoy. I have grown my hair out over the past two years, and I'm still figuring out how to take care of it. One of the things I really like about Reddit gifts is having the opportunity to share. If there is something you would like to share, please do! I'm open to trying new things and experiences.