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Level 6

Portuguese / Brazilian / American From New York Lived in London for 6 years Moved to San Diego California right before COVID and now I am in LA

I hate bios - feel as if I sound like everyone out there but here we go:

I like board games, video games, art, cooking, reading, volunteering, hiking, tattoos, traveling around... I do this thing where I pick up and go on whims anywhere I can (pre-covid) even if I have penny pinch for a bit.

I am huge fan of anything artistic. It's like a physical need to produce art lol I watercolor, oil paint, embroidery and draw, my apartment is basically my gallery.

Trying to settle for the first time and not move around as much now that I am in LA, its a different vibe than I am used to... don't know many people but my coworkers and housemate - I took it pretty serious when trying to balance being covid safe plus actually connect with other humans - but I love my job and my coworkers, and access to the beach is a major plus - its pretty much my primary happy place. I found a boardgame group I like though a bit out of the way and they have been awesome.

I have a hat obsession - probably should dial that down but hey - few things in life make us happy right?

I am big into jewel tones (sapphire, emerald, garnet + mustard yellow) My Apt is mainly white and gray with my room having accents of mustard yellow and kitchen/living room with accents of sage green/ terracotta.

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