Level 8
Premium member
Here is a Google doc that I edit before each exchange to add additional information about myself and things I like / don’t like. It has a LOT of information. Please don’t feel obligated to read the whole thing. control F is a great way to find things related to the exchange we are doing. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwxli7SGsojMe7OV5v1OR8i1hnaCfE4Aj5Z8La3nJWU/edit
Please label your gift with what exchange it is for. I participate in multiple and sometimes things are similar enough that it is hard to tell what is for what.
I love getting messages from my gifter! I’ve been shafted a lot of times (not getting a gift) so getting a message is really awesome.
I adore wrapping paper and getting to tear stuff open! It’s the best.