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Level 6


Hello All, I work as a 911 Dispatcher, and I'm rapidly approaching my 4-year mark. I did take a short break at the end of 2021 thinking I was ready to move on to something not as stressful and with more pay, but it only lasted 2 months before I realized that I have a passion for 911 and it has become a core part of who I am. In March of 2022, I was promoted to head of our communications. Prior to that, I spent 16 years working in the hospitality industry. I have a dog, Mollie (a 13 yr old beagle, basset, plus mix). I am about halfway finished with a degree in forensic accounting, however, I decided to put that on hold for the time being. In my free time (what little there is) I am working on my own local ghost-hunting group, fiction writing, working on a podcast related to the 911 dispatching world, creating/teaching an online civics course for anyone interested, spending time with my pup, the odd bit of gaming now and then (Sims, Civilization, World of Warcraft, Star Trek Online, Star Wars the Old Republic Online), I enjoy classic horror movies, Clive Barker & Stephen King are probably 2 of the best authors ever. I'm a Trekkie, Whovian, and just all around sci-fi nerd.