This was such an amazing surprise!! The adult ADHD journal has quite a few interesting pages that I want to try out and see how they go.
The Kalimba is the probably the most exciting gift I've received, I've never had one before so knowing that my Santa has one too is pretty cool! I've just got it but I've already had so much fun trying it out! It's such a different sound from the tin whistle I have - I'm trying to learn to play the Sound of Silence on it now haha. The tiny one is also adorable, I think I'll take it with me on longer/rougher hikes just incase so that's an awesome bonus too! Don't have to worry about damaging the main one that way and I'll get to enjoy having some sound with me pretty much anywhere I go
Thank you so much! This was a very thoughtful and appreciated gift, both will be well used throughout the rest of the year, I'm certain 💕
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