Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! My gifter has sent me several kinds of chocolate: mini-bags of Lindt and Ghirardelli, which I've already eaten; Cinnabon cinnamon roll cocoa bombs; and Delafaille assorted chocolates from Belgium.
In addition, there are two small boxes wrapped in beautiful, shiny dark green plaid paper. I don't know if I'll wait until Christmas to open them or not. I suspect that one of them is a book, but I don't know.
Thank you, Gifter!
Addendum: My two mystery gifts are Harry Potter-themed: a Hallmark ornament of stacked HP novels, and a Mischief Managed journal with a wand pen. Especially, I need a new journal. Thanks, Gifter! Happy 2024!
Give a Ginger award for an awesome gifter.
Give a Snap award for a grateful giftee.
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