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Duplo Space Shuttle and Lego Dinosaurs!!

So my Santa was awesome and messaged me about gifts for my child and I helped find a location in my area of the world that had the set my kid was interested in when last we visited the Lego Store in person (but they were out of stock). So I was totally expecting this awesome Space Shuttle Duplo set (which is so amazing! The kid is going to love it -- we'll save it for under the tree on Christmas). But I didn't expect a second kit for me as well! Dinosaurs! I look forward to building this set. Triceratops is likely what I'll display it as (at least for a while) as that's my favourite dinosaur I think.

In any case this was a great first Givin Gifts gift exchange for me and I'm so very excited to do many many more!!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Lego Day

