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You better bet I'm impressed with this hometown gift!

So I had no idea what was in the package -- I honestly didn't even expect it to be my hometown exchange gift! And I was wowed by the first thing I saw: the lovely cat bag! I have two cats and think the art on this bag is outstanding! This bag will certainly join the rotation of bags that I'll use when out and about. The Turkish bath kit seems amazing and I'm super stoked for the bookmark! The belly dancing belt looks awesome too! Even the coffee (?) satchet looks great (while I'm not a coffee drinker, my mother will appreciate it). I loved the wrapping paper, the card and the whole gift! This is what I adore about the hometown exchange: the uniqueness of the gifts and the options that are available! I will admit that I sometimes find this exchange more challenging than most but I also find it among the most rewarding, so thanks again for making it so awesome!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Hometown Day (2023)

