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My Secret Santa Finale and Holiday Cards Santa are also my Holiday Cards Giftee, which has only made this final experience even better!

My Santa has sent me a very cute 'Wishing You Wonderful Days' Holiday Card, along with an adorable picture of them and their family in a well put-together envelope. I found the personal touch of sharing their Holiday environment and family to be very heartening! :)

They'd also explained the reasons behind my Secret Santa Finale gifts in the card, along with very sweet Holiday Wishes.

I love everything about this snail-mail, Santa - the pretty folded card, the adorable picture of your family, your writing & wishes, the cute Santa & Christmas lights doodles, the red ribbon bow & reindeer sticker on the envelope, and the awesome-sauce Charlie Chaplin & Metiers d'Art stamps!

Thank you so much for a heartening Finale to Reddit Gifts! I love everything you've put-together and sent my way. Your efforts are appreciated very well! :)

Wishing You and Yours Beautiful Days Ahead! Lots of Love and Warmth! ♡

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Holiday Cards 2021 Finale