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I'm so excited about this! This was my first exchange and I honestly had completely given up on even getting a gift for it. And then my amazing, incredible, and generous rematch Santa sent me an extremely thoughtful and awesome package.

Every one of the gifts was individually wrapped, along with adorable animal stickers. The gift includes way more than I could ever have expected! The yarn is softer than I ever could have imagined, I'm so excited to use it. I have not tried knitting with such nice yarn yet. I'm really excited to read the book. The gel pens and coloring book are awesome! I have never seen gel pens like this and I'm so exited to use them. I also am super excited to enjoy the snacks - I said I had strict kosher requirements, so my rematch santa got me snacks from my wishlist - seriously thoughtful and kind. Lastly, I absolutely am so touched my the card and the adorable flower basket pop up. It is so extremely thoughtful and well decorated. I'm super hyped to get to knitting, reading, drawing and snacking. Thank you so much

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Simple Pleasures