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Level 7
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I am a stay at home mom of two kids. My husband is a farmer and contractor. We have chickens and are going to be getting more livestock soon (once we get the fences fixed). I have one cat and one kitten, as well as an ever-rotating array of stray/barn cats that we feed and care for (and rehome if they can be tamed). I have a rabbit named Bunny and she is super friendly and loves to be held. I am hoping to get a dog soon. My hobbies are leather craft, woodworking, video games, writing, drawing, and painting. I've just started doing cross stitch and it's kind of fun. I'm trying to learn to play piano and I'm terrible at it. I'm learning Arabic and doing okay with that. I try to workout every day as I desperately need to get back in shape, I alternate between running and weight lifting and I hate every second of it but love how I feel after a workout. My oldest son is 13 and and non-verbal autistic, he's a sweetheart and he loves to dance and chew on everything. My youngest is 4 and he loves to help out around the house and be active. I bought my kids a Nintendo Wii this year and they seem to enjoy it but our games selection is still pretty limited. I just enrolled in a bachelor's program in animal science.