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Level 0


Hi there! Here's a condensed version of who I am. I'm a musicology student and I really like Mahler and Schubert's music. I'm classically trained in piano but I like playing video game and anime OSTs. I like to read classic novels and essays (think Penguin Classics) except Shakespeare because old English is confusing. I like to bake anything and I'd say I'm pretty good at it! I love to play video games and watch streamers. My top 3 favourite video games are Okami, Celeste, and Finding Paradise. My favourite streamers are boxbox and Lilypichu. I also love Jacksepticeye and all the work he does. I'm secretly into Japanese mythology and folklore especially supernatural tales surrounding Shinto and Japanese Buddhism. I'm a fan of all things ayakashi and youkai especially art depicting them. I love traditional Japanese ink paintings, ukiyo-e, and sumi-e. I like slice of life seinen animes like Mushishi and Hozuki no Reitetsu. Continuing the art talk, I love Monet's Impressionist paintings; they make me feel feelings and I get so happy seeing them. I also like to do jigsaw puzzles of at least 1000 pieces. Other hobbies include sleeping and playing badminton.

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