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We are currently running a drive for donations to support us for the next year. We are staffed entirely by volunteers and our revenue tends to be less than our expenses. Support us by donating or by purchasing premium.
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Level 6


Hi there! Hope you're well, I actually filled this section in a while ago but because of the bug, nothing was saved! This is my first Secret Santa since it moved to & am excited to see if there are any changes!

I'm in my late 30s married & have an amazing young son. Life is pretty much juggling work (self-employed), school activities & what's left of a very limited social life haha. My last year has been a bit hit and miss, I started it in hospital, getting a Hickman Line changed - I don't really eat due to Crohns (20th year this year!), instead have a permanent cannula in my chest, which gives me nutrition and fluids overnight - that's why I'd advise anyone to avoid getting any food related! I do enjoy travelling, went to Cardiff this year to watch a wrestling show with a friend, that was great fun, even if the (predetermined) results weren't what the crowd wanted! Apart from that, I'm loving my new car/quadricyle - I got it this week, it's tiny, smaller than a Smart car, and is perfect for local driving & fully electric - pics are on my reddit profile When I do get any free time, it's Lego, TV or light gaming. I would say, above all, please don't put yourself out for me, I know it's a tough season & the impending cuts & rises have hit us all, anything I get I'll receive happily, heck even if it's just a card with a funny message! I don't know if I've given any useful information, but there is a more about me on my reddit profile. If you do need any more info, feel free to message me! Regards