Hi there! Hope you're well, I actually filled this section in a while ago but because of the bug, nothing was saved! This is my first Secret Santa since it moved to givin.gift & am excited to see if there are any changes!
I'm in my late 30s married & have an amazing young son. Life is pretty much juggling work (self-employed), school activities & what's left of a very limited social life haha. My last year has been a bit hit and miss, I started it in hospital, getting a Hickman Line changed - I don't really eat due to Crohns (20th year this year!), instead have a permanent cannula in my chest, which gives me nutrition and fluids overnight - that's why I'd advise anyone to avoid getting any food related! I do enjoy travelling, went to Cardiff this year to watch a wrestling show with a friend, that was great fun, even if the (predetermined) results weren't what the crowd wanted! Apart from that, I'm loving my new car/quadricyle - I got it this week, it's tiny, smaller than a Smart car, and is perfect for local driving & fully electric - pics are on my reddit profile When I do get any free time, it's Lego, TV or light gaming. I would say, above all, please don't put yourself out for me, I know it's a tough season & the impending cuts & rises have hit us all, anything I get I'll receive happily, heck even if it's just a card with a funny message! I don't know if I've given any useful information, but there is a more about me on my reddit profile. If you do need any more info, feel free to message me! Regards