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Level 2


I am a software engineer that works from home. I got a new Yorkie in September and he is my little buddy. His name is Milo and is 4 months old as of December. I recently got a VR system to spend my time away from work but I am also getting into making course content for teaching software. Along those lines I am also making an app for high school band students to ease the information flood of having to learn different aspects of music and musicianship. I want to give back to the next generation so I hope to add to that platform many things to teach life skills and basic adult proficiency to make their lives more likely to be successful.

I enjoy discovering new music, I have an affinity for rhythmic tunes but am open to explore new music. I like to code and I enjoy being a handyman to fix the things in my house (I'm not sure how long this "joy" will last)