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Level 6


About me....I'm a 28 year old female. I'm a NICU (Neonatal intensive care unit) nurse, and have been one for going on 7 years now. I'm currently a grad student. I went back to school to become a neonatal nurse practitioner. I'm currently extremely busy doing that. It's exhausting, but I finish my program in August!

My biggest hobbies include: *Board Games! (modern, not Monopoly/Life/Trouble). I keep a running list of my collection @ *Makeup. Favorite brands include: Colourpop, Juvia's Place, Rare Beauty, NARS, Urban Decay. I also love subscription boxes. I currently have Boxycharm. *TV binging shows *Reading...I prefer fiction. Usually NY best seller list or guilty pleasure YA novels. I usually read free books on my kindle using Libby, though. *Foodie *Playing with my dog. She's a 4 year old labrador and her name is Rinny.