Hi I´m Philipp from Germany and I´m 18 years old. Currently I´m trying to get into art school to study photography but in the mean time I´m working a part time job in a tailor´s shop (currently finishing my first ever pair of pants!). Some of my favorite things in the world (and gift ideas) are: Nintendo stuff, a comforting tea blend, board/card games, a good book of most genres (including non-fiction), a good movie of most genres (especially rom-coms, but definitely not horror movies), little knick-knacks you can put on desks, music in physical formats, printed pictures. However, I don´t care that much about a specific gift as long as somebody puts some thought into it. So you don´t have to give me anything from the list, random stuff I didn´t expect is great as long as you have thought about it. Anyway I´ll hope you´ll have a great time gifting and receiving!!