hiya! I'm a 22yo girl in college. I really love music, video games, movies/TV, and reading. I also love getting to do craftsy things with my hands-- like building Lego sets, or needlefelting! I'll honestly try most things, just because I can never stick to one hobby/interest LOL. I love coffee and tea, and ADORE cats (and dogs!) despite not having any pets myself haha, LOVE polar bears so much!, and have a fascination with the stars and the moon. :']
I've always loved giving gifts to people, but I don't get to do it as much these days. I hate being the person that just throws a generic greeting card and a $20 bill/gift card as a gift to people (unless specifically they ask for that! lol), so I always try to make and/or give gifts that show I actually thought about the receiver. that said, i like thoughtful gifts too-- whether handmade or purchased-- but the thought of someone going out their way to give me a gift is also a gift in of itself, in my eyes, no matter what it is :3 ♡ This community seems so fun and welcoming, so I'm excited to give this a shot! :D