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Level 2


I like Robert Downey from Aironman, Russell Brand for everything he does in life (+ crush), Jason Jason Momoa for being sexy + witcher I listen to fkj, childish bambino, masego. I like fruit, but I am very curious about regional dishes and I would be very happy to try something characteristic of the region. My size is mostly M and women's 39 socks. What can I like? I guess things related to spirituality and old beliefs and rituals (e.g. Indian religions, India (Buddha), witches, crystals, pendulums, stones, dream catchers, but also meditation, yoga). I really like things made of hearts, even if it's just a greeting card or a letter. Sweet things like cute animals (we have a big dog and a one-year-old cat so maybe something in that direction?) I like a very modest inexpensive bitutterie that looks old or is made of wood. I have dreadlocks so I like beads for dreadlocks. I like hippie style and look like a witch or magician. I like bright colors like beige but also dappled rainbow hippie rainbows and hair ornaments with feathers. I like dried flowers. I find things in jars are cute. I believe in magic. I really like things made by hand from the heart.