I have an unhealthy obsession with all things Victorian, as well as casual and relaxing video games and anything chocolate so long as it doesn’t have nuts or fruit in it (except peanuts!). I spend my free time either reading (especially old fiction books or any era’s fantasy and/or sci-if books), playing (very) casual video games because I suck at any games requiring skill, or cross stitching Victorian era samplers and practicing Victorian era penmanship with old-fashioned dip pens (because I apparently was born in the wrong century). On the other end of the spectrum, I LOVE technology, especially gadgets, and I listen to pretty much any country music from the ‘00s or before (after that it just ain’t country anymore) and any Christian rock or metal music. I also love watching true crime documentaries and cuddling with my poodle/biewer terrier mix Pierre and my (unexpectedly heterochromic!) kitten Smudge (who is a terror, but adorable). My favorite video game is Slime Rancher (and Slime Rancher 2), and my favorite book is John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress (love that old-fashioned English!). My favorite snack food is anything Hershey’s as long as it doesn’t have nuts, and my favorite drink (aside from milk) is Mtn Dew. I’m an introvert and a homebody, so I’m pretty boring.