I am from Greece but have been living on Sweden since 2015. I have a background in health informatics and work as a data scientist. I aspire to Leslie Knope levels of gift giving (“Giving Christmas gifts is like a sport to me. Finding or making that perfect something. It’s also like a sport to me because I always win.”), so receiving good gifts is always very heartwarming. I love music, good TV (both series and movies) and podcasts. There is always something playing both for company and to help me consecrate when I'm doing something. For music I listen to mostly instrumental and soundtracks but I like a bit of everything (Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/11177325963?si=002b9984fdaa426e). My free time is split between baking, planning for D&D and sewing. Baking is very meditative for me (as is cooking) and helps me create nice things that I can then share with my colleagues (because I don't scale recipes down) (Baking Insta: https://www.instagram.com/dragonflycreations8/). D&D is something that allows me to scratch the creative itch of telling stories and rigorous planning. During the pandemic I rediscovered my passion for sewing, and my love for historically inspired and vintage clothes. I attended the Medieval week this summer and I absolutely fell in love. I love reading, and I prefer fantasy and sci-fi with a bit of horror (for other media as well), but I don't do it as much because if I start a book I like, reading it will consume my whole life and I need to work and eat.. so... :/ (Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/110466814-markella-nikolopoulou). I also have a collection of board-games other TTRPGs but I don't play as often. Same for my switch and other video games. I am very lucky to have a big balcony and plenty of window space where I can grow my spiced and flowers. My aesthetic fluctuated from cluttercore, to witchy to clean lines, usually all at the same time. In any case I mostly go with colours in the darker end of the spectrum, think Halloween decoration all year round. I am usually very outgoing and bubbly which is very weird because in truth I have a filthy and dark sense of humour and am an introvert that likes things dark and gloomy. You can never go wrong with anything that has to do with the sea, there is a running joke with a lot of my friends that I am in truth a sea hag, so there's that.