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Level 6


30 / M

Career-wise, I am a programmer, but when I'm able to, I enjoy traveling, hiking, backpacking, kayaking, and camping. Recently I've been trying to travel and explore more national parks. I like wildlife photography (though I'm not very good at it and even worse at waking up early enough in the day to actually see wildlife).

When I am home, I've been teaching myself circuits and trying to learn another language (German). I want to visit Europe at some point and I've told myself I need to at least be competent in one other language before I go. (I have not gotten very far). I've been having a blast combining my programming skills in Arduino / Raspberry Pi with 3D printing and circuits to make some fun DIY projects.

I also really enjoy board games. I will play some video games with friends and family who live further away from me, but nothing beats gathering around in person and playing a great board game.