31 / M
Career-wise, I am a programmer, but when I'm able to I enjoy traveling, hiking, backpacking, kayaking, and camping. Recently I've been trying to travel and explore more national parks. I like wildlife photography (though I'm not very good at it and even worse at waking up early enough in the day to actually see wildlife).
Starting in my late twenties, I've been trying to learn as much as I can about circuits, woodworking, and 3D modeling. I have really enjoyed learning how to become a "maker". I bought a 3D printer and have been learning 3D modeling to make custom prints based on my designs. I got a membership at a local community woodworking shop with access to a lot of great tools and men who are teaching me all kinds of skills, and most recently I bought a broken Cricut and fixed it to start cutting stencils and other designs out of vinyl and cardstock. I've been having a blast combining my programming skills in Arduino / Raspberry Pi with 3D printing and circuits to make some fun DIY projects and gifts for others.
I also really enjoy board games. I will play some video games with friends and family who live further away from me, but nothing beats gathering around in person and playing a great board game.