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Hi! I'm letsalleatorangeslices, a refugee from the remains of Reddit Gifts. I'm so excited to participate in this gift exchange this year! A little bit about me, I'm an early-twenties late-stage college student, soon to graduate with an English degree. It's no surprise that I'm a lover of all things story, which is why you'd often find me reading a book, creating playlists (of songs that tell stories, match the vibe of a character, or that I think I can turn into a story in my nonexistent free time), listening to historical or mystery/legend podcasts, or playing tabletop roleplaying games with my friends. I'm an absolute die-hard for ttrpgs. I've played Dungeons and Dragons, Swords and Wizardry, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Requiem, The Exalted, and have even dabbled in some of the one-off games like Twelve Candles. My favorites are the two Vampire games I mentioned. I'm hoping to run a Vampire: The Requiem game someday soon, schedules permitting. My ttrpgs help me tap into my other hobbies as well: painting and writing. I've written many short stories and I hope to write a full-length novel someday. And, as I write this, I'm sitting next to the wall of paintings I made. I have only ever worked with acrylic paint because watercolor and oil paint sound terrifyingly difficult to do well. I'm also trying to write/draw a graphic novel right now, which is slow going. I'm hoping to draw it traditionally (with pencil) and then clean it up digitally (something I have never done before.) Wish me luck! I'm also a huge fan of puzzles of many kinds. Riddles, escape rooms, jigsaw puzzles, whatever. I like to figure things out, especially when there's a series of clues involved. Unless it's like, sudoku or something. That's a little too close to math. When I'm too busy or tired for all that thinking stuff, you'll catch me watching Leverage, The Good Place, or The Wheel of Time. I just finished watching The Umbrella Academy, which was pretty good but I was disappointed by the ending of the second season. I don't know how much or how little I am supposed to include, so I'm going to call it there. Warning: I had a lot of fun with the dislikes category. All of the things I included there are true, but many of them I can't think of how they would be incorporated into a gift.