Writer, really big nerd, permanently in denial about my adulthood, and kind of a lush. 157 cm of pure, concentrated awesome.
I'm really into space and Star Trek, and I watch WAY too many history and science videos on YouTube. My favorite animals are bats, owls, and penguins (usually in that order). Other hobbies include taking care of my constantly growing collection of plants and volunteering at conventions. I don't really consider cosplay a hobby anymore because work took over my life and I don't have time to sew anymore. But I would if I had time. I also really like to crochet, but again...time. I should really look into fixing that.
I have a betta fish named Trip (after Trip Tucker from "Enterprise"), and he's great. Very smart (except when he's not) and loves the tech in his tank more than the stuff fish are supposed to care about.