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We are currently running a drive for donations to support us for the next year. We are staffed entirely by volunteers and our revenue tends to be less than our expenses. Support us by donating or by purchasing premium.
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Level 6


I'm 38, married, father to a 4.5-year-old girl, and cat dad to 3 cats (Jim, Dwight, and Nellie the kitten).

This is cliche, but I greatly prefer something I can eat, drink, do, use, or experience over something that sits on shelf or hangs on a wall. I'm runnin' out of wall space!

This doesn't mean that all material things are out, but I'd prefer something with meaning, unusual, or hard to find, over something I could just buy for myself. Gifts for my little one are appreciated but NOT expected in any way. (She likes stereotypical young girl things: pink, unicorns, rainbows, princesses, but she's also starting to read and is learning some basic math and LOVES learning!)

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