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I'm a former math teacher, originally from the Caribbean but I live in Texas now. I got into fountain pens when trying to track down the pen my mom used growing up. She ended remembering she hated FPs but I ended up getting started in collecting them after she decided she didn't want it. After my health deteriorated and I became home bound, fountain pens and writing became a thing I could still do physically and is something I use to connect to the world. Fancy inks made my medical journaling less depressing. I also love birds and dogs (have both as pets) and I like plants although I end up killing them all, even the plastic ones, lol. I like old and new pens and prefer a fine point but I have all sizes. I like pens with character and my favorite pen color is green although I have all colors. I'm also crazy about inks - shading and sheening inks the best.

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