Hi! A little bio here: I'm 43, female, single. No kids, no pets. I'm a legal secretary/paralegal. I enjoy reading (paranormal romance), crafts (knitting and pixel art mostly), cooking and baking (but not if it has like 25 ingredients, then I'm out), watching horror movies. I enjoy spending time with my family (my mom is my bestie). Going to craft fairs. I love soft and cuddly stuff (stuffed animals, blankets, snuggies).
I also like non-ordinary/creative things, like painted landscapes on saw blades, spray paint art (I saw someone do that in vegas and it was the coolest thing ever), painted gold panning pans (I have northern lights pans from alaska). I like those smores ornaments where the smores dude is doing something cool, like knitting or reading. I have some nut ones too where the nuts are doing something cool (got those from a craft fair).
I love logic puzzles (specifically the ones with the grids, not those hard cryptogram ones or the variety packs which never have enough of the grid ones) and choose your own adventure stuff.
Peanut butter is AWESOME! If you’re thinking treats of any kind, anything with peanut butter and/or nuts (although not with dark chocolate, see below for dislikes). I lean toward salty snacks like Doritos or potato chips, but do love me some good donuts. Not so much cake unless it has 2 inches of frosting and a half inch of cake, no, make that a quarter inch of cake, that’s a better ratio, but not that nasty butter frosting, I’m talking that good sugary sweet, hurts your teeth frosting.
I love tourist-y souvenirs (but not t-shirts/clothes). I collect fridge magnets from different places. Not into sports, but if there's a mascot, I love stuffed animals. So something cool from your hometown would be so fun.
I’m addicted to Amazon. Why yes, recommendation, I do need that product I’ve never heard of or never knew I needed based on something I bought before. And please, recommend some more. Curse you one-click, you enabler you.