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Level 6

Movies genres: comedy, action, fantasy, pretty much anything but romcoms.. It's hard to find something I don't enjoy to some extent. I go into every movie expecting nothing, so I'm almost always pleasantly surprised.

Music: pretty wide and eclectic taste. Mike Posner, Mike Shinoda, Ryan Caraveo, Daughter and Halsey are my heavy rotations right now.

Comics: marvel, lots of dark horse and image, very little DC

Foods: salty, savory, not a big fan of sweets (except gummies)

Colors: I can only really see yellow and orange mostly right and I don't really like them. I'm color blind as all get out so colors are something fun to try and figure out.

Other: stargazing/astronomy/astrophotography

Tv: sitcoms except Seinfeld, lots of cartoons, NCIS Hawaii and Sydney, Next Level Chef, Marvel and Star Wars shows

Anime: (no particular order) Dr. Stone (easily my favorite), Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Hell's Paradise, Heaven's Memo Pad, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Restaurant to Another World, Bed and Breakfast for Spirits, Dark Gathering, Eminence in Shadow, Dead Mount Death Play, Reincarnated as a Vending Machine, A Silent Voice, Forest of Piano, Your Lie in April

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