How long have you been using fountain pens? ~5 years
What do you use your fountain pens for? Pen pals and work notes. I do use them on a daily basis.
What are you hoping to get out of this exchange? Inks mainly (details below). I feel like I'd be super-hard to disappoint!
What are some of your other interests (if not already described in givin.gifts profile)? Are you implying that there are things to be enjoyed in life other than fountain pens or inks? That doesn't sound right...
Are you interested in receiving pen(s)? If so, preferred nib, material, feedback, weight, etc.? OR What are your favorite pens and what do you like about them? Pens, sure - including used! Anything vintage that writes. Anything modern that puts down an interesting line (like a neat grind), or a stub that's an uncommon size (such as smaller than 1.1mm). A wet noodle is my current biggest wish, but that might be asking too much for this forum. :) New/used/vintage/whatever. I'm easy, especially if it's an interesting material or filling mechanism - although I think I have enough Chinese pens.
Are you interested in receiving ink(s)? If so, preferred colors, desired characteristics like shading/sheen/shimmer, wet/dry, etc.? OR What are your favorite inks and why do you like them? Yes, inks! Preferably nothing really, really light. I love shaders, but shimmers and sheens are also okay. Preferably not "complicated" (like inks that are known to stain or clog).
Are you interested in receiving paper/notebooks? If so, preferred smoothness, paper size, ruling, weight, hardcover/softcover, binding, etc.? I do like paper pads a lot, and many notebooks, including ring/spiral-bound. A5 and A6 are my sweet spots, and I like smooth paper more than super-toothy. I like Tomoe River, but I also like the idea of trying other papers for the purpose of finding alternatives. I do like Col-o-Ring, and firmly believe one can never have too many of that.
Are you interested in receiving nibs and/or pen repair supplies? If so, what in particular? Yes - pretty much any interesting nib, like a CI grind or needlepoint or architect.
Are you interested in receiving stationery accessories, such as pen cases/rolls, notebook covers, pen-themed stickers/decals, ink swatching cards/stamps, etc.? If so, what in particular? I'm less interested in accessories, with the caveat that I'm interested in anything interesting! If you think it's neat, I probably will too!
If you participated in a previous fountain pen exchange, what was a standout gift that you received, and what made it special? One of my favorite gifts was a SIG nib from Franklin-Christoph. It happened to be a SIG M, which I had been shopping for recently but was out of stock.
How would you describe your personal style or aesthetic? Goth, cottage-core, modern, shabby chic, minimalist… Hmm - how about "ink hoarder"? Is that a personal style?
Some people like to include some bonus candies or sweets in the packages. Do you have any food restrictions or allergies your Santa should be aware of? None!
Please link any "state of the collection" posts or images below for your Santa so they have an idea of your tastes and to avoid repeats. (Post on your reddit user profile, or on a image host like imgur) None! Here's my FPC for inks that I have: http://www.fpc.ink/users/12534 Again - if you think it's neat, I probably will too!
Anything you definitely don't want, or already have too many of? (ink colors, pen model, etc.) Please no Chinese pens that are blatant knockoffs of other companies' work. I have too many Pilot Metro/Plumix/Kakuno and Platinum Preppy/Plaisir. I also have too many Opus 88 Omars, weirdly.