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Level 7


Hi! I'm Annavera, or Avi, a Ballet and Disney obsessed musical theatre performer! My favourite colours are rose and rose gold, I simply adore exchanges, happen to be a Hufflepuff, love to cook and bake, have a very sparkly, pastel-y Disney-, Ballet-ish and slightly whimsical aesthetic (if that makes any kind of sense, I can happily provide pictures to show what I mean! i just love to incorporate my biggest loves into my decor, style, accessories, etc. but without overdoing it), do not own a single pair of jeans or other trousers as I only wear dresses, skirts and sometimes jumpsuits and LOVE it (my style is generally very feminine, people sometimes say unique, and I love fashion), am a lipstick-addict (red! or dark plum!) and massive, massive LUSH person (so much that I actually work there part-time now and love it so much), hugely enjoy taking long baths...

I honestly adore scented candles, am an occasional gamer (Pokémon is my most consistent one as I've played every generation since Red/Blue and am not intending to stop, but I also really enjoy the Professor Layton Games, everything involving Mario and Animal Crossing), I burn for my profession (musical theatre and theatre in general) which is really my biggest hobby (singing, dancing - particularly ballet, obviously, I love that this is a part of my job -, acting... The best. Honestly, the best, I could NEVER imagine doing anything else at all), really, really love teddy bears (especially when they wear bow ties!) and other plushies, am a huge fan of building LEGO sets and still have so many to discover...

My favourite Ballet companies are the Bavarian State Ballet Munich, the Royal Ballet London and the Mariinsky Ballet St Petersburg, favourite seasons are Autumn and Winter (I hate summer only for the heat as I cannot handle that at all), I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Halloween and Christmas and love decorating for both, trying to enjoy everything at its fullest, am absolutely obsessed with Russian history and culture, particularly the last Romanov family (I've read SO much about them), am currently trying to teach myself the language as well, and... I'm terrible at talking about myself, so if none of that made sense or if you have any further questions at all, feel free to contact me about anything!