I'm currently a neuroscience PhD and a huge science, ancient history and philosophy nerd. I have too many hobbies, and yet I'm always looking to pick up new ones. See the likes section for a non-exhaustive list of this.
I'm also really into home decor in the dorkiest way possible; my apartment has themed rooms: my living room is a nautical viking pirate ship, my dining room is tribal tiki complete with spooky tiki bar, my bedroom is a zen monastery, my bathroom is all the beach and my home office is LED-saturated spaceship science lab, and my kitchen is a colourful Mexican look with lots of candy skulls.
I have a wide array of interests and there's almost nothing I don't like...but more than anything else, I love suprises...so hopefully this takes the pressure off 'cause I'll love whatever I get...espcially if it's something a little weird and different.