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Level 3


Hello! I'm a woman in my mid-twenties with a partner and a home in the suburbs. I work in HR (not the Toby kind). I freaking love Christmas and it makes me incredibly happy - a cozy time to be with family and friends, deck the tree, find the perfect gift, and admire the twinkly lights. Looking forward to exchanging gifts with you!

I do not have pets or children and would love a gift that I might not get for/purchase for myself. I'm pretty bad at spending money on myself. Something that I've been working on lately is to find my own personal style when it comes to makeup, jewelry, clothes, etc. as they have not been a big priority for me in the past and I didn't have a person to ask about those things. My ideal day is sleeping in, reading in the bath, playing a game on my Nintendo Switch (lately I'm into Pathfinder, Skyrim, Hades, and Breath of the Wild, but my tastes are somewhat varied and I'm not a traditionally "good" gamer), maybe taking a walk in our local park, experiencing a fun restaurant and hanging out with my partner or best friend.