Hello! I am just your friendly neighbourhood geeky chick. I love all things anime (only happy vibes please - there is no angst in this house). I also love learning languages. Currently my favored on Duolingo are French and Korean. I hope to be one day fluent in at least one of them! I just became a mom last year so I have very much gotten into crafts that will make both me and my baby happy! Oh I guess my husband counts too. LOL! I am in LOVE with Doctor Who. I love it so much my husband got me a Tardis wedding ring. We were meant to be. I'm pretty open to trying new things. I love the beach but I'm not much of a fan for the mountains and hiking. My grass allergy plays a big hand in that so I tend to be more of a homebody and my favorite seasons are Winter and Fall. I hope I get to share something great with others.