Hello. I am a 31 year old queer, female. My pronouns are she/her and they/them. Last year I officially came out as pansexual and demisexual, but I have been working on finding a queer community in my area ever since. I am a fat person, who doesn’t use fat as a bad word, as it is just an adjective. I look at life through a HAES (Health At Every Size) approach and am okay with being in a larger fat body. For most clothing items, I wear a 4XL. In 2021, I graduated with my Masters in Social Work, which took me 6 years to get. As much as I wanted to quit and got close quite a few times, I never gave up. If I am anything, I am resilient. I am currently disabled, but am still working on my getting my license to practice social work. I am chronically ill and have been for the past 8 years. I have both physical and mental health problems, which make it very hard to do daily activities of living, such as doing dishes, getting dressed, preparing meals, etc. Some of my favorite things to do are learn about cults, as well as sending and receiving mail. Cults fascinate me on a very deep level and one day it is my hope to become a therapist who works with people who have left cults or other high demand religions. The actual psychology behind coercive control (aka brainwashing) is something I have been learning a lot about lately. As for mail, I am active on r/RandomActsofCards and r/RandomActsofHappyMail on Reddit. I am also in some Facebook groups dedicated to sending mail, swapping supplies, and writing letters to penpals. I have had a penpal for over 10 years from Germany and last year she came to Illinois and we got to meet for the first time. I love watching birds as a mindfulness practice and especially like seeing all the different kinds of woodpeckers. I live on the second story of an apartment building, so I am only available to use suet to feed the birds, along with a light (as in weight) bird feeder with sunflower seeds. I would love to learn more about birds in general and hope to become a birdwatcher one day soon. I have 1 cat, named Langley and 1 dog, named Snoopy. Langley is actually diabetic and on a food sensitive diet. He also receives insulin twice a day. Snoopy is on a prescription diet as well for his teeth, but he loves snacks like Pupperoni. He isn’t the biggest fan of biscuits or highly fancy dog treats. I love to read, but pretty much prefer to get my books from the library anymore these days. I love spreading body positivity, going on walks or hikes in the winter only (not a fan of hot weather), and the always adorable fidget toy. I am an Aries, Hufflepuff, and I am working on figuring out my Enneagram and Myers-Briggs letters. My love language is giving gifts, which really makes me laugh thinking of this being Givin’ Gifts. I am married and enjoy spending time with my partner of 11 years. I enjoy being silly with my partner, including things as Nerf gun wars, inside snow ball fights with socks, and making strange faces to make someone laugh when they are down. My favorite holiday is by far Christmas. I love starting to play Christmas music on Nov 1st, as well as putting my tree up as soon as possible. This year and every year is to become more environmental. I am trying to find a way to compost in my upper, second floor apartment. I have an environmental wishlist that I am slowly working on, but please free feel to look at it and see what I have on the list. Feel free to look at my wishlist on both Amazon and Etsy as well. Random other times to know about me include my love of jazz music, but having no idea who to listen to; watching the musical RENT a few times a year; and my love of all things cats and libraries related.