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Level 3

I wear mostly black, but I love colorful things. Bright, vibrant, jewel-tones! I collect things. What I collect seems to change over time, but currently, I seem to be on a run with vintage dresses, especially Gunne Sax and Victorian bridal styles. I sew, mostly quilts and costumes, since I am "hard-to-fit" so garments never seem to fit quite right.

I live in Baltimore, where I work for State Government. But I have a cabin in the woods of WV where I go to decompress on weekends. I collect colored glass bottles, vases and jars that I display there. I also collect crystals (both minerals and cut glass chandelier-style pendants).

I have a vegetable garden and fruit trees. I love to bake, and I make jams and jellies. I also make bread, cheese, yogurt, wine, beer and mead. Also candles, lip balms, bath bombs, and soaps.

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