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My name is Vivian. I'm from San Francisco. I grew up here and I came back after finishing school. I now work at a local nonprofit. I have three dogs, two semi-feral cats, four rabbits, five pigeons (originally had four pigeons, North, East, West, and South. Then I got careless and two of them had a baby. I didn't think a pigeon parent can be away from the egg for hours every day and still have it hatch...So now we also have Northeast and I do pigeon birth control), a school of common goldfish and a school of tropical fish. And I'm fostering my cousin's sulcata tortoise while she's away at college. Taking care of them all is very rewarding.....but also very exhausting. I sometimes think back to when I first started working and didn't have any animals. The days where I can just lounge around without worrying about timing when to take my dogs for their next walk, refilling the hay racks, soaking the turtle, doing water tests for the tanks or doing poop clean up..... But I enjoy this too ^_^"

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