Hello, I'm not quite sure what to say about myself but I will try. I have 2 wonderful kids, a little dog and a cat. I'm quite and kind, love to help and make folks happy. I live rollerblading with my daughter, we would do it everyday but we live in mn where its winter like half the year seems like haha so we get out everyday that the road is skateable. I cant do tricks but i enjoy it so much. I make earrings from size 11 miyuki delica beads, i enjoy crystals and handmade items. I enjoy finding the perfeft windchime or spinner each spring. I love finding unique things. I'm into kawaii and Renaissance type things. I haven't been to our states Renaissance fair yet but hopefully this year I can make it! Even if I can't dress up for it i just want to go and see it. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Everything feels peaceful and I love all the family togetherness. I like anything cute and tiny. Gilmore girls and office are my favorite shows that I can watch over and over. My kids and I just discovered studio ghibli movies and we are obsessed! Howls moving castle and spirited away were my top favs. I used to read all the time and somewhere along the way I've stopped and I miss it so I am trying to get back to it and make time to snuggle up and read. I love fantasy themed books. I'm not sure what else to say. I hope everyone has a great day and something comes along in your day that makes you smile.