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Level 6

I'm just going to info dump, not sure if it'll be helpful for all exchanges, but hopefully will help you some to just get to know me!

I am a 25-year-old non-binary (She/They) second-year Microbiology Ph.D. student with a love for video games, board games, coffee, cocktail making, wine, baking, and visiting breweries. I have a cat named Louis (named after Louis Pasteur) who I love dearly. I generally wear a unisex large. I love trying new food! I generally am open to many different kinds (excluding pork). Some of my favorite snacks are baked chips, Reeses, Oreos, goldfish, and pistachios. I drink quite a lot of coffee (grad school kind of just does that to you), and I honestly think the local coffee shops have a tight grip on my bank account. My favorite video games are Bioshock, The Sims franchise, Oneshot, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon. Board game-wise, I love card-based games like Muffin Time, Coup, and Sabetour, but also things like Two Rooms and A Boom! I read a lot! I primarily read sci-fi, LGBTQIA+ lit, fantasy, and thrillers. A link to my Goodreads (see previous books I've read/but please note some of these I own and are marked as such) is: if you want to take a look for any reason. I was a previous member of Reddit Secret Santa which is how I got deeply into this.

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