Hi there. I’m a horror writer who loves Halloween and all things horror. In terms of a gift, that’s the way to go. I love female horror writers like Shirley Jackson, YA novels like None Shall Sleep and Girls Save the World in the End. I’m always on the hunt for a new read. I love audible books. I dig indie rock. I take and edit nature photography and make it creepy. I love vintage inspired things. Hannibal from the tv show, Eric Northman from Tru Blood, the new Pennywise, Crowley from the TV show Supernatural and Batman from the 90s tv series are my favorite characters. I like pop art but I have a lot of that. I love unusual, macabre little decor items for the home like a skull planter or a zombie bear. I’m not a fan of girly things or beauty products as gifts. I am way too picky to get jewelry for. I love psychology and am interested in true crime. I like solving puzzle be they jigsaw puzzle or puzzle books. I love cotton/silk scarves especially ones with lace. I like learning new things and am interesting in knowing more about forensic psychology. I have a small dog so books about dogs are also an option. Please don’t get me food, candles, flowers, anything with a scent, anything that’s pink or anything that’s remotely religious.