Hello! I'll do my best to give you a little insight about myself but i apologise in advance as i'm not sure it'll be helpful!
I'm a fairly quiet person IRL, I keep out of trouble and try my best to make the people around me happy! I tend to surround myself in fiction, either with anime, manga, books or comics. I enjoy a romance but prefer it in a fantasy setting. (Rom/Coms aren't my thing).
I tend to like things on extreme ends of the spectrum, So for example i love Disney, especially Disney Villians (they have all the best songs and outfits!) and Studio Ghibli! (Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle are the best!) and I also really enjoy watching Horror films, supernatural horror is my favourite (ghost films are awesome!) with psychological horror is a close second, So any kind of Merch about this stuff would be amazing!
I'm sure it comes as no surprise then that Halloween is definately my favourite holiday, and i'm fairly jealous of how America celebrates it compared to us here in England,
As you might have noticed by now I like a lot of things that have a bit of magic to them!
Lately I've discovered Audiobooks which is great because now I can multi-task while reading! It's really interesting listening to tales about fantastical worlds while wandering about your own!
I really like Japanese culture and Media and animation in general; I grew up with Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura, Family Guy, Futurama, Ranma 1/2 and Inuyasha which kept me going through some hard times growing up, thanks to Sailor moon's locket (its a locket that winds up and plays music ^.^) and Anastasia i've developed a fascination with music boxes and musical trinkets too.
Umm, what else? ... Oh, I'm 30 and female! I'm sure that helps if you haven't guessed my gender already and I'm not really a fan of plushies, Funko pop's or stuffed toys. I don't really have a favourite colour but my least favourite is neon pink, pastel is fine but bright is just a bit too much for me. I find things that both look cute and have a function really fascinating,
I have handheld gaming consoles to play games on plus a PC, I'm an avid gamer on a shoestring budget :) Games will probably be a bit expensive for something like this exchange but a themed mouse or a cushion for my computer chair which is a bit worn now would do wonders! I do really like tech gadgets too!
I Looooove chocolate, (especially Milky Stars, Maltesers and the best til last, HP Chocolate frogs!) but I'm not a fan for fruit and nut!
I'm currently playing Dungeons and Dragons with a few friends over Discord, we started during Lockdown and I have to say that i love it, the dice rolling especially is such an interesting mechanic that i'm considering building a collection of them.
I hope this was enough information, and I wish you all the best my Santa! All the above are just guides for you, you may decide to go a completely different direction with a theme i've mentioned! I'm really interested in seeing what you choose for me!
oh and please feel free to message me if you have any questions!