Givin Gifts Logo
We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.


Level 2

I am in my young thirties in a midsized, urban area. I am an educator and politician. I have always volunteered and advocated in the community, I was recently elected for municipal office which is pretty cool. I am typical for my age and location and very easy to please. I will be moving into a newly renovated home with my fiance and our rescue american bulldog, jersey girl. Covid really stalled us so we are so excited to get in and settled. I look forward to getting back to some hobbies I have not been able to do lately - painting, wood burning, yoga, learning more about moon phases, reading, cooking. I struggle staying organized so I like things that can help me be productive. I also display everything so I can remember things.

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