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Well I feel like I should have lots to say, but I don't really. I'm a recent transplant from the US to the UK. I've been here six months or so now and man has it been an adjustment! Things that I'm not really keen on: Snacks/food , random trinkets that just collect dust and anything religious other than that here's a little about me to maybe help! General about me stuff: I'm 27 American woman, married without pets (but I'm hoping for a bunny at some point!) I moved to the UK because my husband is British. So, here we are! I'm an adult plush collector (jellycat brand medium bunnies) it was my lockdown hobby that took over. I'm a massive D&D fan and I adore my characters. Lots of character art and custom dice sets! I really enjoy dragons, unicorns and bunnies as a general rule. If you're into D&D I main rouges and sometimes warlocks. (If you're also into D&D and want to see some art PLZ TELL ME. I love sharing that sorta stuff). I’ve got a switch recently and I'm super excited to test out some games. I have but haven’t played pokemon Legends Arceus as well as Legends of Zelda and Animal Crossing. But other open world/ cosy games would be welcome as recommendations! I’m also a Disney fan but weirdly specific. I like a lot of Disney inspired things as opposed to direct Disney. I think crystals are fun and tend to collect a few when I see them but don't really know much about them. I'm also a big musical theatre fan! Also a big fan of candles. Nothing super sweet but cosy and cinnamon scented is always a fav, also scents labelled “sensual” I’m a fan of most of the time – think orange and bergamot etc. I'm not really sure what else would be useful. I've chucked my Elfster list down below which hopefully will help! give you a sense of style and ideas: