I live in multiple places so my address may change.
Hello! I just graduated college this past summer and am job hunting. I majored in history and would like to get into museum work or libraries. I currently work retail while applying for related jobs.
For hobbies I mostly do genealogy. I also watch tv and I’ve been trying to get back into reading actual books and not just Manhwa (Korean comics). I also like to shop, especially when I’m stressed. But then I remember I’m a broke girly so I stress more. It’s an endless cycle
I also have a mild gambling addiction (scratchers are just so satisfying). Maybe I’ll hit it big and pay off those student loans
I like kpop, mostly TXT but I casually listen to a ton of others. I even studied abroad in Seoul for a year but that’s more because my historical concentration is 20th century Korea.
My favorite animal is a squid. My best friend sewed me a giant 8’ long yellow squid as my graduation gift and I sleep with it every night. Love Squwilliam.
My sad backstory until my character development is that my dad’s dead and my mom hobbles around cause she needs a knee replacement we can’t afford. Humor is my coping mechanism.