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Level 6
Premium member


1995/F I'm super crafty, I suppose I could say my favorite hobby is making things that I can send to my penpals. I also love reading (fantasy and romance), baking, gardening, video games, and watching TV. Had a baby in mid 2023 so I don't get to craft as much as I used to. My Instagram is MyPenpalAdventures, my reddit is Spooky_Tree, and my pinterest is NicoleCantrellCrafts if you want to learn more about me. I love all things spooky especially if they're adorable chonky spookies like cute kawaii ghosts or bats. I love cute dinosaurs, bright colorful things, and I can't for the life of me figure out crochet but those adorable lil crochet amigurumi things are my favorite ever!

I make sticker sheets, and anything flat I can send to my penpals, I hoard craft supplies, I have a trazillion wax seal stamps, I like carving mini erasers into stamps, I hoard washi tape, I used to get everything off Temu before I found out it was stolen art (I'd just assumed it was artists from other countries where the currency difference is great enough that they were able to sell the products so cheap).