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We are currently running a drive for donations to support us for the next year. We are staffed entirely by volunteers and our revenue tends to be less than our expenses. Support us by donating or by purchasing premium.
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Level 3


Recent grad who reached for the stars and landed in the aerospace industry. Livin’ the dream and figuring out the adult side of life. I try to disconnect after work and spend more time offline/outdoors - I help out at a friend’s barn and get to ride some horses in exchange.

I’m a jack of all trades when it comes to crafting hobbies with fiber arts (knitting/crocheting/needle felting) being my most consistent. I just started sewing, I have a heavy duty machine and am working towards leatherworking/bags/cosplays.

I enjoy a wide variety of sci fi when I do watch tv (Star Wars, Star Trek, SG-1, Doctor Who, etc.), I haven’t had enough time to get into many anime series but I do enjoy them as well (Dragon ball z is the og, loved Hunter hunter, yu yu hakosho, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Seven Deadly Sins). Someday I’ll finish out the longer series on my list (Naruto/One Piece, very behind on both).