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Level 3


I'm an engineer/translator who speaks English and Japanese. I'm also a (bad) Tanka-poet, and I publish some poems in to local paper. Recently bought a car to get to work. This year in my free time I've been reading lots of Japanese poetry collections by different authors. My favorite were ones written by 相澤啓三(蛹が見る夢、羊歯の谷間に、音叉の森), 松木秀(色の濃い川), and 重信房子(ジャスミンを銃口に). I also love mystery novels by 横溝正史. I also read "The Flowers of Evil" by Baudelaire, Suhrawardi's "The Shape of Light" and "The Three Body Problem" series by Cixin Liu this year. Tried to read a book about Lord Byron, but his poems didn't resonate with me. I'm currently reading a Sci-Fi novel by Stephen R. Donaldson called "Chaos and Order." I passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 last year, but I still want to improve my Japanese more; however, I'm not sure how to study now that I've run out of materials. I'm interested in learning another language (my top two choices are Spanish and Arabic). I've studied Korean, Greek, ASL, Spanish, and Arabic a little bit in the past, but I wasn't able to keep studying. Recently I've tried teaching myself basic HTML for website design. I like building things. I used to make costumes out of cardboard, build plastics models, Legos, repair my bike, and build other random things. I have a soldering iron that I used to switch out the battery on an old Pokémon Crystal cartridge I had. I like fixing things.