Hello :) Well, this is awkward... I'm a female introvert in my early 30s, I have a dog, and I work as a software engineer. I love learning new things, making new experiences and trying out new things, like new snacks/foods/hobbies/crafts/activities... Like right now I'm learning to play the piano (still very much a beginner though), I picked learning French back up (trying to slowly get back to A2 level after not having used French since school), and I just impulsively signed up a bouldering basics course (because I am terribly afraid of heights and what could go wrong...) I enjoy being active and taking my dog on long walks while listening to music/podcasts/audiobooks. I also enjoy getting cozy and comfy to enjoy a good story or be creative, ideally with a nice beverage and some snacks. I like stories in all sorts of formats like books, movies/TV series, games, ... I have ADHD and also struggle with depression/anxiety/sensory issues, so I always love anything that might help and/or teach me more about any of these. Winter is my favourite season and I love anything with snowflakes. I like SciFi/Fantasy/Cyberpunk, things that are themed around cyberpunk/galaxy/space/moon & stars/crystals, and things that offer a lot of diversity/representation/inclusion.