This is going to be a gift for both my husband Andrew and myself Shannon :)
About Shannon: She is awesome in so many ways. Often, she makes the most random, hilarious declarations. Somehow she is a Calgary Stampeders fan, despite apparently being born and raised in Saskatchewan (and avoided the green plague). Loves sweeter red wines, smoked salmon, spaghetti squash and Camembert (especially pronouncing it wrong), baking, drawing, painting - crafts, horror movies (Like LOVES horror movies)., also likes DC - Harley Quinn, Joker and Batman :) XL shirt size
About Andrew: He is a sommelier (wine expert), super smart, amazing cook, enjoys amazing coffee (local beans) is super smart and loves to learn new things he is just an awesome guy all around. He makes friends super easy and people love being around him. He loves cheese, lots and lots of cheese of different kinds and got Shannon loving them all also, he loves tie dye items, playing guitar and just loafing around when he can. L shirt size
We have 2 dogs - 1 Shepard mix and 1 Pomchiweinee and 4 cats (long story) We got married October 31, 2021
If you need any other information please don't hesitate to send a message :)