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Level 6

Geologist. I love rocks. Also love to travel and to try unusual food. Oh, and btw: SNACKS! Lover of cute rocks and fossils. I have a plush covid virus and a mirror universe tribble. They are married. I also like to do a bit of running and being out and about with my smurf-coloured racebike or on foot. Mind you, I'm pretty rubbish at anything sports as I'm born with a muscle condition that makes it a bit more difficult. Non-binary and totally an LGBT-Alley. She/They. Techie, nerd, geek, also a bit of a boffin. Into simplifying my life by living small and having not too much stuff, at a location with everything I need nearby. As sustainable as possible. Love cooking simple, delicious and very international dinners from scratch, though my spice use is not quite so simple at times. Bread is love, and so is liquorice! My kitchen machine is a pestle and mortar. My home is 'internet of things'-free, and the only electronics I really need are my ultrabook, phone and electric kettle (Tea! Masses of it). Into independent music/arts (not Indie, but artists truely independent of any commerce, doing everything themselves without labels, managers, tour organizers, etc), improv, experimental. For me, music is a democratic, collaborative process with no space for egos and posing. Me, I'm totally rubbish at learning an instrument or creating otherwise. So I'll stick with enjoying what others are doing.

Favourite crisps: paprika, sweet chilly, barbecue or similar, haggis, odd tastes Favourite teas: fruit infusions, herbs, green tea

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