I'm a 43 year old cat lady with a human husband ;) We have 3 cats and I also foster cats and kittens. I also enjoy playing video games; my guild is currently playing V Rising. I'm also playing through Lego Star Wars and I play Don't Starve with my Switch on the Treadmill.
We play D&D with some of our friends. My current character is a 15th level barbarian that's based off the Tick.
I love horror movies. I live in Portland where we have a HP Lovecraft Film Fest and The Portland Horror film fest that I got to every year. Both have a lot of horror related short films and also some feature length films as well as sometimes guest appearances. I've gotten to meet Jeffery Combs and Doug Bradley :)
We play a lot of board games. My favorites are Robo Rally, Arkham Horror 3rd ed and Arkham Horror LCG. But we play a lot of other board games too.
I like to crochet. My last project was amigurumi Stitches (from Lilo and Stitch) for my friend and her son. My current project is a granny square temperature blanket from the year we got married. I like Furls ergonomic crochet hooks.
I'm a hobbyist gardener; my plants mostly survive, though right now my garden has a lot of weeds and morning glories. I mostly grow tomatoes and hot peppers for my husband.